Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Lone Rower

There is a rowing club in Wanaka. I guess there is a Rowing club in a lot of places in N.Z and it would be fair to say that Rowing holds a place in most New Zealanders heart and minds at the moment.
We ...The Bossess and The Boss and ME were out walking the upper millennium track this morning and this guy and his coach came along. They would have been coming from the lakeside in town and appeared to go to Glendhu Bay and later returned. Just a morning workout I thought. Wanaka has its share of Athletes and it would be fair (again) to say that the whole town is activity minded, with every sport available. We even have a croquet club for the more sedate types. Myself, I had a really zippy morning with The Bossess despairing a bit that it was still full steam ahead on the way back to the car.
It would be fair to say I was enjoying the wonderful morning. IT would also be fair to say that that Boss and his camera were too.
Come Closer

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