The Bard's Birthplace

I have just realized that this year marks the 400th death anniversary of William Shakespeare.  Didn't really update myself on that while planning the trip but I had intended to take hubby here, anyway.  We fortunately still had time for this quick (and rather pricey) visit late this afternoon.

For the first time ever, we took a cab to our B&B.  Usually, we just walk to it from the station, even if it's quite a distance, or take a bus.  Now that we know how far these two points are from each other, it looks like we'll walk the distance when we leave.  As for the weather, it has been totally and unbelievably cooperative.  When I was planning the trip, I had even asked myself if I was that idiotic to plan a holiday in a country universally known for its downpours.  We decided to just take each day as it came and hope for the best.  Needless to say, our hopes have been surpassed.  (Actually, according to the Mindfulness teachings, hope is very close to expectation and thus can be innocently dangerous.)  On the other hand, hubby enjoys reminding me of the fact that my second car is a broomstick and that the weather tends to obey my moods.

On the way to Stratford, we had to change trains, and train stations, in Birmingham, and between Birmingham New Street and Birmingham Moor Street, we chanced upon the church.  Hubby waited patiently at a street corner while I dashed down the steps for some 20 odd and unexpected shots.  I've posted one of them as an extra.

Winding down towards the end of our holiday now and my legs are tired.  I guess that means I am.  It's been beautiful so far, though.  Who would've thought that!

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