I got pills - they’re multiplying …

First the good news; I’ve had 10 blissful, peaceful, arrhythmia-free days.  Of course, the first four words of that sentence suggest that this state of affairs does not last.

The past two days have been quite the opposite; a 12-hour episode on monday and another 12-hour episode yesterday.  Not the drum-banging, heart-rate in the hundreds, type of thing; so not the Gods of Arrhythmia in full battle cry.  More like someone who never got picked for the school orchestra because of a complete lack of rhythm and is slinking around the back of the hall, banging the odd tambourine and triangle in the hope that no one notices.  
But I notice.  And it’s not fun (nor particularly musical).

This doesn’t mean the ablation has failed - and I do have to keep reminding myself of that.  It’s quite common to experience repeat attacks in the first few months.  So I have to keep a diary of frequency and duration of each episode so that Oxford can decided whether or not to intervene with yet more drugs.  The reasoning is that the drugs try to keep the heart in normal rhythm - and the longer it stays in normal rhythm, the more likely it is to do this permanently.  This ‘experiment’ - because that, in a way, is what this is - will last for the next 2 months or so.  At the end of this period, I stop the drugs for 4 weeks and then see what happens…..

This heat doesn’t help, but Anniemay sits crossed-legged at the foot of the sofa with a large fan.  So I can’t complain.  For her sake as well as mine, I have to be positive and assume it’s all going to turn out fine.

and a calm will descend
and there’s peace at the end 
of the darkest night
sometime I cry
sometimes I fly like a bird

(Boz Scaggs)

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