
My brain is scrambled and I'm cross-eyed from staring at my computer for hours, flipping back and forth between my Blipfoto entries,  my iPhoto Blipfoto album, a collection of Post-it notes and my entire, disorganized photo collection. I'm trying to fill in the gaps before sending all the photos off to Claire who is going to put together a Blurb 365 book for me. I thought it would take a couple of hours…so far it has taken a couple of days.

I decided to go outside and see what inspired me in my brain dead state. It is interesting that not ten feet from each other are ferns and agaves whose native habitats are usually half a continent apart from each other, soI took a series of pictures that I have labeled 'textures'. I must say that our garden has yielded an extraordinary number of blips. When we moved here, our reasons for moving had to do with weather, and lifestyle. Perhaps it was no coincidence that this happened just five months after I joined Blipfoto….

A couple of years ago our former neighbor in Berkeley called with a long and very complicated story involving mediation over custody of two children. He asked if I would be willing to write a declaration as to my observations, which I did. The mediation awarded temporary custody to him, but the whole thing has become extremely acrimonious  and has gone to trial. I have been asked  by his attorney to testify in court. I want to help, but the whole thing has me rattled and unsettled. Writing is one thing. Taking sides  in court between two people who once were neighbors is another.  OilMan would be a better witness than me because he is more objective and less emotional, but he has somehow managed to evade being asked….

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