heartfelt thanks...

...for your outpouring of support

on my 2,190 blip

once again i was left speechless - as comments, *'s and hearts began to pour in - after i'd posted my 6 year anniversary blip - i really shouldn't have been surprised - i remember the very same thing happening after - my 100 anniversary - i was a relative unknown, actually i feel like i still am an unknown in this large community - and yet here were people i didn't even know - stopping by to congratulate me - i recall thinking 'why are they doing this? they don't know me.'

but that's the essence of blipfoto - it is what defines this community - it is the kind, caring, compassion of the population - they stop by to insure you feel welcome - a part of, included - whether they have 'subbed' your journal or not - if it's an anniversary, it's a celebration day - how fabulous is that?! i have said it more than once, it bears repeating - you will never find an online community like this anywhere - it is such a privilege to be a part of it

thank you for allowing me to post my photos here - thank you for embracing my rambling thoughts - and thank you for helping make sure each one of the last 2,190 days has been...


happy day.....

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