Much Ado about Something

Another warm and sunny day for a blipmeet in Stratford upon Avon with thanks to JDO for organising it down to a tee.  Mind you, within two minutes of leaving Café Nero we were totally out of control but managed to stick together for most of the day, but losing OldJoe at the time ice-cream was called for.  Sorry Joe. 

The extra shows Adam & JJ, Hildasrose and Rob, AH14, Loosecanon, Technophobe, JDO, Ellaphant, OldJoe and Hillyblips at our picnic stop in the shade.

It took us around two hours to drive home having negotiated goodness knows how many roundabouts and I took to my bed suffering from roundabout sickness and loss of balance, missing my pre-dinner drink and dinner.   I'm feeling a little better today, but still slightly discombobulated.  It was worth it for the company.

This was taken from the bottom of the stairs in the RSC.

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