With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Stokesay Castle

A fairytale fortified house near the Welsh border. Legend has it that it was too beautiful to be completely destroyed during battles, it has survived the Centuries in style.

We met Ben in Ludlow, the half timbered buildings bedecked with bunting giving me a real blast of Britishness. The rain held off mostly, but everything is so green! A briliiant bit of thinking by AKHF and mv, we camped the night looking above the valleys around Wenlock Edge and The Long Mynd. We borrowed a brazier (brilliantly made from a washing machine tub) and watched the rain swoop in and around us. The countryside here is magnificent with such a feel of the ancient history seeping through, it felt very much like being in a chapter from the Box of Delights camped out with the boys. A fox snuffled round soon after we turned in. Or maybe it was a wolf....

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