The Third Bridge

Up early and across the Forth Rail Bridge. I loved the way the new road bridge was catching the morning sun. The old road bridge is between. Although it was only built in the 1960s it is having to be replaced as it was found that it was corroding and there were wire breaks. I love the way the shape of the new bridge echoes the old rail bridge.

We walked up to Queens Hall, and met Jenny's friend from medical school days, for the Richard Goode piano recital. More Mozart, plus Debussy, Schumann, Brahms and Janacek. I knew nothing about the pieces he played from the latter, but I found myself moved to tears in the last piece of 'On the Overgrown Path'. On reading my friend's programme I found he'd written it when his 20 year old daughter was dying. Such is the power of music - (I'm not at all musical and can't even sing), but I too lost my eldest daughter.

We hopped on a bus to take us to Leith Walk and we walked up Royal Terrace to have a fantastic lunch at Paul Kitchin's 21212. Well deserved Michelin star. The food was almost too pretty to eat. The ambiance of the restaurant is calm and relaxed with muted colours, comfy chairs and the tables weren't crammed in. It was such an enjoyable end to my festival.

I had beans on toast for tea.

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