Swan pond

Mae Treowen yn amgylchynu gyda gerddi ffurfiol, caeau a choetir. Mae tri phwll yn y caeau ac mae pâr elyrch yn fyw ger dau ohonyn nhw. Ar ôl amser cinio hoffais i i gerdded i lawr i'r pyllau i weld yr elyrch. Mae'n fendigedig i gael cymaint o leoedd hyfryd o gwmpas y tŷ lle dyn ni'n gallwn ni fynd ac eistedd yn dawel.

Treowen is surrounded with formal gardens, fields and woodland. There are three pools in the fields and a pair swans live near two of them. After lunchtime I liked to walk down to the pond to see the swans. It is wonderful to have so many beautiful places around the house where we could go and sit quietly.

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