Capital adventures

By marchmont

The Manor 2

I hadn't planned to go to the Manor today but circumstances dictated otherwise.  But first I had to Skype (a bit fretful after the update) the KL 3 and a bit. #1 son was grumpy and in pain as he's broken HIS hand. #1'd in l is good and Olivia, more interested in biscuits and Peppa Pig.

Then to the Manor with food and snack food and more descriptions of how to work the TV.  Then home to do some weeding and none of the things I planned to do.  Caught some last minute sun and was ecstatic to discover there was still some rose left in the bottle.

I am glad I am off tomorrow.

Mum and dad, not bad for 91 and 93, and a fitting 2500 for me.  (Lost track as to whether that includes the backblips before I joined or not.0

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