
It was an early start. I had to be in town before 8am. T'was an effort, but I managed it. Another busy day and a lot of blood, I was glad to get my aching bones back here and chill with my neighbour in the garden...and a glass of vodka. 

Film Star Friday

1st...happyhound ( I love that film and the book. Great angle for this pic, brilliant)

2nd...Ukelelehaley (hilarious, even though it was a difficult time for you)

3rd...Nickimags888 (great film entry)

It was great to see all the entries, I loved them all. I am so behind on comments at the moment, I'm very sorry, I shall endeavour to catch up as quickly as I can. I do love seeing all the different films and how people interpret them.
Check out all the entries HERE

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