Candid Camera

By weebone

The Voice

Last night I got the first full mix of my debut single ("This I Know") back from my lovely co-producer Mr Shoogall but neither of us were happy with the vocals. So, today I went back and did another couple of takes. Delight to say we got it spot on and the single will be released as planned this Friday!

I'm really learning a lot about the difference between work on vocals for live performance and vocals for recording. It's a whole different ball game and much harder than most would think! When it doesn't go well it's a tedious and exhausting process. When it does go well it sparks a lot of creativity and excitement. Thankfully today was creative and exciting - we even added some bits to the track we'd never thought of before and those little details made all the difference. We're both very excited about how it's turned out and all I can say is that even if you don't want to hear me singing, it's well worth a listen for the FABULOUS orchestration that Mr Shoogall has created. What a clever man he is!

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