
By sammmy

No One Mourns the Wicked

Blip numero dos! off to a strong start.

Today was filled with pretty much nothing. despite it being beautiful out i was in no mood to do anything productive whatsoever. Reba was my choice of show being that there was an all day marathon on abc family, quite entertaining. and of course i had to tune into some criminal minds because who wouldnt want to watch the sexy, yet smart Dr. Spencer Reid solve a murder. what a catch.

Carrie is featured in today's picture. She is my 16 year old sister who loves nothing more then to get lost in her own world which mostly consists of singing show tunes from broadway as she acts out the scenes.such a diva. i chose the title "no one mourns the wicked", a wonderful piece from Wicked, because that is her favorite broadway show of all time. Im pretty confident she knows all the words to just about every song. Wicked is just on the top of a never ending list of plays she has memorized the words to including if not limited to: Jersey Boys, The Phantom of the Opera, Mama Mia, and Wizard of Oz (which thanks to Carrie i now know came out in 1939). She is one smart cookie.

Hasta manana mis amigos.

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