The view...

...down Loch Katrine from the summit of Ben A'an. We've been going to climb this hill for years and finally did that today.

It was on the summer bucket list but didn't manage while the kids were off. So with me having the public holiday Mr R and I headed off after the morning school run.

It was either the attic or Ben A'an...on a day like today it wasn't a difficult choice.

Our round trip up and down the hill was 2 hours and that was with a half hour at the summit taking photos and having a wee coffee from the Thermos.

If you've not climbed it before it does have an excellent path but is fairly steep. It's a good walk though and one I think the Barmy Army wouldn't complain too much about. So we'll be back.

Funniest moment of the day was near the summit when we met a couple of friends coming down the hillside as we were heading up. It was one of those random moments life presents you with every so often.

Managed back to Stirling with time to spare for a wee pub lunch before the afternoon school run.

Grateful for a wee day out just me and Mr R.

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