But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


A new primary school is being built in the village, and now that the school holidays have finished, the cooncil have had the fore-sight to employ and extra member of staff to comply with the health and safety requirements.
His role is to sit all day, in the provided car, outside our front gate, with his engine running, waiting for a supply lorry to arrive. He then has to drive in front of it through the minor roads of the housing estate and past the old school to the building site. I assume he has a telephone as he periodically disappears in the direction of the site to return, several minutes later, followed by a lorry leaving the site.
There are several assumptions being made here, the timing of events suggest that his purpose is to make life safer for the children who are, unbeknownst to the cooncil, safely incarcerated in their classrooms while this is happening. My own prejudiced in-sight into the situation is that: a car with its engine running by my garden gate is polluting my environment and that the escort service is doubling the number of vehicles ploughing a furrow from my home to the new school and so is increasing the risk of accidents happening. Perhaps I am missing some vital piece of logic here, but then again, perhaps it is someone else suffering from this deficiency.
Thanks are due to JDO, who has been known to have a little rant herself, for hosting MonoMonday this week and thinking up the theme of “sight.”

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