Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Tintin and the First Dogs on the Moon

Professor Calculus's special formula with the spinosaurus component was put to the test when our adventurers went to the moon.   You will remember the dogs found the special ingredient for him in Morocco last week and it has worked a treat.  Just a small sip for everyone has meant that they do not need any breathing apparatus on the moon and because they are a little heavier, they had no problem with the lesser gravity.   Well it worked well for everyone except for Captain Haddock who mixed his formula with a little rum and it seems to have lessened the effect as he floated off.   Blistering barnacles he called out. The dogs of course jumped up and pulled him back to the surface and into the spaceship the Good Ship Blip.  It has also made history as our three friends Snowy, Hamish and Poppy are the first dogs on the moon.  One small step for three dogs, one giant leap for dogkind.  They had a wonderful time running through the craters but all too soon the formula wore off and they all had to return to GSB.

It was back to Earth where they have gone into hiding with a month's supply of pigs ears and other special treats avoiding the media.  Tintin on the other hand has been touched by his experience and has taken off again in GSB with Captain Haddock.  He was heard to say on the last radio communication: "Space, the final frontier, I am going, where no man (or dog) has gone before."

Well my friends, it looks like that is the last we will see of Tintin.  Thanks for following his adventures during this time in Tiny Tuesday.  Thanks to Osusanna for hosting this month and welcome to Dbifulco for hosting September after her mammoth hosting of the AOG.  My apologies for being such a poor commenter but I am extremely time poor at the moment getting ready for the trip.  Two more sleeps now and it is the camera gear and equipment which gets cleaned and packed tonight.  My bag is fit to bursting and I realise I have left the water bottle out.  Curses!  I may not get a chance to blip again until either the lounge at the airport on Thursday or maybe even SA.  We shall see so take care and I will catch you when I can.

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