
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. Another cracking day here!! I hope yours has been good too!
I have been pottering around in the garden again. I haven't really done a lot else. Except tidying up, washing etc! Anyhow, I accidentally came across this Spider weaving it's web. I nearly knocked it over! They are so small, that you can't always see them, until it's too late! And then you are flapping about wondering if it's on you!! I know a lot of you don't like Spiders. And I am definitely one of those myself! As I have never taken a Photo of one before, I thought it would make a change though! I took a few shots before I came up with this one. Having a Macro lens is awesome!! It shows all the little details that you wouldn't normally see!
The other day, I noticed a small Butterfly that seemed to be struggling, and had stayed in that particular spot for ages! So I went to investigate, as you do! I noticed that it had some web trapped between it's wings. But for the life of me, I couldn't see where. Even with my glasses on! So I got my camera, and focussed on the butterflie's wings, and was able to see where it was caught. The good news is, that I was able to free it, and it flew away!! I didn't like to take a photo of it before, as I could see it struggling. I didn't want to prolong it's agony! Never mind, maybe one day, I will get a decent shot of one!!
Anyhow folks. Thank you for following me. And for all your stars and Hearts, I am extremely grateful!
Take care.
Theresa.x PS. In Full Screen it is even more scary!!!

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