Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

How many Blippers does it take to change a bulb?

It'll be Autumn in a day or three; you will be out in your finest threadbare kit trying to grab that last bag of bulbs at Homebase/B&Q/Tesco/World of Bulbs........ other bulb outlets are available. You hope that come Spring 2013, when the Olympics are a distant memory, your lycra suit has been munched by moths and your cycling helmet has been invaded by a family of robins, that at least your garden will be a sea of yellow daffodils. Or not.

These are the bulbs you will be buying, lifted a week ago, left in the sun to dry off, they are now getting persisted on by the continual rain we are experiencing.

So forget the gym membership, bin that order for a cross-trainer from Amazon and get digging for Gold!

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