Whale Watching

Well it's just amazing who you can bump into when your go to Hastings Point on the North Coast of NSW.  One of my favourite "Honorary Wombats" happened to be there with his Nanny, the famous Gitama.  Flynn was well equipped for Whale watching and had his trusty binoculars at hand.  It was a spectacular display and we couldn't believe the number of whales that were breaching even though it was almost dusk.

It has become somewhat of a ritual to meet up with Gitama, Flynn and Jaiya, oh and Rumi of course, as we head north to Bundaberg.  This afternoon was just delightful and it was mind blowing how the scene kept changing at the lookout in such a short space of time.  I have added an extra of the sunset, it was absolutely spectacular.

Our whale watching experience was topped off by a great meal at a local Thai favourite and I can happily say I had the best curry puffs I've had in six months!!!!  The most hilarious part of the evening was trying to squash three wombats AND Rumi into the back of Gitama's car, but we did it in style and I didn't even have to hang my feet out of the window.

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