Time has passed

Another disturbed night last night - Bailey has decided that he doesn't like his own bed and barked at three or four points during the night. I responded by shouting down the stairs for him to go to sleep and he did stop barking but barked again when he woke. I went down to him eventually at about 5:30, mainly because I don't like to think that he is disturbing my neighbours. I had to get myself sorted this morning to head in to work for a meeting at 10. My new (temporary) job means that I get some input into the training days and perhaps even some of the decisions to be made over the next two terms at least. It was a relatively productive meeting, with perhaps a couple of voices somewhat out of sync. Interesting times ahead.

So, the last day of the holidays was not entirely my own but I was home to Bailey before four, having had two shopping stops on the way. Jelly Babies and Liquorice Allsorts for my team meeting tomorrow afternoon and a new (bargain) clock for my classroom wall were amongst my purchases. 

A fairly early night required and the hope that Bailey will sleep through so that I've got all my wits about me tomorrow. Six full weeks off has gone quickly but it's time to get back on with it and a two day week - with no students until Monday - will ease us in gently enough, I reckon. 

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