Abstract Thursday: Blipper's Choice

Youoregon1, who runs Abstract Thursday brilliantly, has left this week's topic up to each blipper.

I'm wondering whether blip buddy yeeeeed will recognise where this semi-abstract shot was taken, as she used to blip Killingworth Lake quite often when she lived near there. As I walked past it this morning, on my way to the leisure centre for a swim, I thought the lake looked rather nice with the sun shining from beyond it, producing silhouettes of the waterbirds, so I took a quick photo on my phone. When I got home I decided it could look more effective (and become an abstract of sorts) if I abused it in Photoshop; I discovered the "3D filter" which I'd never used before. This is the final result, after blending the false-colour "3D" version with a high contrast mono version.

You can probably just make out that there's tall grasses in the foreground, then the rippled water on which you may just be able to spot the birds on the surface, although they're quite small. At the back is a row of trees; the cloud formations top off the photo.

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