Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This time of year, the hummers seem to be just as attracted to the nectar flowers as they are to the sugar water - each are zealously guarded with much chattering and chasing.  I was sitting out on the patio, in between rain showers, waiting to release NINE monarchs (!!) and being entertained by the hummers.  My lobelia is just about at the end of it's bloom, but the hummers still seem to love it.  I chose this shot because you can see how far her beak is into the flower in order to get the nectar.  An alternate shot is on Flickr - a young male hovering just above a patch of salvia.

I was shocked when I came down this morning to find that 4 monarchs had already eclosed and five more were ready.  By 10 AM, I had nine butterflies quietly drying their wings and contemplating life.  By 2, I had released the last one. This brings my total releases for the season to 37 - way beyond my expectation. (A photo of one of the six males that arrived today in Extra).  And there are still 17 chrysalids in the "birthing chamber" and roughly 16 cats between 2nd and 4th instars.  I found one more tiny second instar in the garden today, so it's been swooped up and ensconced in the nursery.  I do think I might have over 50 releases this year, assuming my rescues are healthy.  I have one chrysalis that looks a little odd - I think it may have bruised itself when it pupated (it was in a very odd spot without much room) but just to be on the safe side, when it gets closer to emerging, I'll put it in a smaller enclosure by itself.  

Meanwhile, I went out foraging for milkweed today.  I had spotted a patch of new-growth milkweed the other day, so headed back there to snip some.  And, when I got home, I discovered a beautiful snowy white Virginia Tiger Moth tucked in among the leaves.  They are rather extravagant with their big furry mantles.   

I was doing a little weeding in the garden when I had a most unpleasant run in with what turned out to be stinging nettle.  WOW, did it hurt - felt like a hundred red-hot needles were stabbing my hands.  And wouldn't you know it - I'd used BOTH hands to grab the damned plant.  I did a cold water rinse than slathered toothpaste all over both hands.  Seems to have worked as I am pain free now.  Note to self - next time you're weeding, woman, wear gloves!

Hubs is about a half hour from home having had a good meeting in Baltimore.  He's not sure anything will come of it, but time will tell.  Will be glad to have him home.  Tomorrow is our 16th anniversary - wow, where did these years go?  

Happy Thursday...


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