A Tale of Two Modems

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair......

A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens

A few people, including me are having problems with their internet, affected either by last Saturday's storm or Openreach messing about with the cables/wires. Giving up all other options I decided to order a new modem/router to replace my creaking old Sky model. This arrived yesterday and I spent this morning setting it up. Not being a propriety model this included getting in to the innards of the beast to set field values most of which I had to look up on Google (3G of course). Eventually I had it up and running only to find the Internet service as intermittent as before. I rewired the Sky modem just to check and decided I had fit the new one up correctly. Interestingly the service seems better in the evening once the openreach guys have clocked off.

I had a phone call first thing from an acquaintance who was having issues with her router and wanted advice on fixing it/buying another.

This afternoon I visited a regular customer of mine whose router had gone up in a puff of smoke during the storm. Sky had sent a replacement as the current machine was under warranty. Installing it couldn't have been easier; plug it in attach the wires, switch it on. Worked first time. Then it was just a matter of linking all wireless equipment, including the printer and TV, and all was working fine. Interestingly, or not if you became bored sometime back, her mainline telephone has not been working for days.

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