An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Pretty Drippy!

Better Big

Well what do you know! It's been a day of blue skies and sunshine! And even better than that, it's to continue from now over the weekend! Dare I even suggest that summer has arrived at last?!!! :))

David went to work today even though the stye under his right eyelid is really sore and inflamed. Felt really sorry for him. Alan and I had a lazy day....well I managed to do some washing and other kitchen based domestic stuff but no ironing. I will be motivated to do some ironing tomorrow as I know I can iron summer clothes and not cardis and jeans.

I mentioned yesterday that I feel I have lost my Blip mojo and thinking about it more today I think the issue is that when I was working, I had a set time in the day for blip so had to be quite disciplined and focussed and I looked forward to it. Now my time is much more fluid and blip time slips away.

Once the schools are back I will get into a proper routine and hopefully get back onto it. Having said that, I enjoyed my time with the camera today and ended up with a choice of blips. I preferred another one but D chose this one so going with it.

The sunshine really does make a difference. :-))

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