Today's Special

By Connections


What a plethora of lovely people I've been with today!

The farmers' market was loaded with gorgeous produce, from fresh corn and tomatoes to the last of the season's raspberries. I took a few photos and bought strictly from my shopping list, then dashed home to prepare for a lunchtime blipmeet with RavensRoost. She lives on the east side of the state, but was in Bellingham this weekend.

There is nothing quite like an in-person meeting with someone you've come to know on Blipfoto. The ground is already laid for a conversation that flows with ease, graced with an abundance of connections. Add to that the life experiences that come after six decades -- or nearly seven, in my case -- and there are no awkward silences, no gaps in the dialogue, just a wish for more time! That was not to be today, but I'm sure that I'll get together with RavensRoost again in the next year or so.

This evening, we met for supper at an excellent local Italian restaurant with Phil's daughter S and her partner and his daughter E, son-in-law D, and grandchildren Z and B, all of whom are in Bellingham, with their two dogs per family, this weekend. We had a wonderful meal and a great time with them!

To top off this day of abundance, my daughter M is staying with blipper Wildwood tonight, as M is attending a wedding not far from Wildwood's home in California. It was a joy to see them together in her blip! Wildwood put it perfectly: "Once again I am amazed at the benefits of being part of such an amazing circle of people. It really is like having a worldwide family to call upon."

Blip 1630


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