Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The two day babysitting stint starts today.
Steven and Kelly are away at a wedding in Perth.

Started the day by taking Lewis to Cragie Farm where he was scared of the huge pregnant pig, very wary of the chickens, and amused by the Shetland Ponies eating the grass only because they were far away.

He much preferred the red tractor and the climbing blocks.

We had lunch before heading home. I tried very hard to keep him awake so he could go to bed when home. Succeeded!

Lewis went to bed, I had a nap on the sofa.

He then had a birthday party at Brewer's Fayre ( an awful place). He was overwhelmed at the busyness of the soft play and stuck to me most of the time. Party food, singing then goodbyes.

Over to Asda to get my tea and I bought Lewis a 'nee naw' (ambulance) as I felt sorry for him, he really struggled at the party.

Home for a bath and bed.
I followed soon after.

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