Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The day started at 6am! Steven said I could give Lewis the ipad to watch some Paw Patrol with me in bed. Sorted!

Up at 8, breakfast, then the challenge to get him dressed; he enjoys running away rather than dressing.

I decided to take him to Saughton Park which is rather good. He was very brave and went on the swings, slide, flying fox(with  me holding him), climbing ropes and see saw. I was proud of him as he normally is very hesitant at parks.

Home for lunch then bed. I had a sleep too on the sofa.
A short play with all his cars then Mummy and Daddy came back. He was over the moon to see Mummy, Daddy not so much so!

I was relieved of my duties. Home to sort, clean, wash, prepare tomorrows lunch, then land myself on the sofa for the night.

(backblipped yesterday)

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