Kippax parish magazine

The quarterly mag came today it's a good read with some interesting articles.

It was a lot dryer today warm with sunshine at times, but Autumn is definitely in the air, the nights are drawing in and it's not warm enough to sit out late with an evening cuppa.

On the plus side it's the season of foraging in the hedgerows for apples, blackberries, elderberries and rosehips to make jam, winter cordials and wine, lots of fresh garden and greenhouse produce ( I have three more cucumbers on the way) then lovely home made soups, sitting in front of the fire eating crumpets dripping with butter and jam and drinking hot cordial or a glass of last year's wine, and reading a good book....or
looking on line or in catalogues at Christmas presents.....yes it's nearly that time too....16 weeks to Christmas day.
OK so I'll shut up about Christmas lol

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