
...We arrived too late at this garden to plant as we'd have liked this year.
But, fortunately, next door do have bee and butterfly friendly plants.
So, this one was taken over the fence.
(Rather like a moth) I was attracted to the light.

There was a nuthatch again on the feeder today, but having had a slight mishap at the time I missed it with the lens.
(Me and the latch of the shed window had an altercation.
It was sudden.
There was Blood.
I am now holding one finger aloft, as though I'm about to announce something of great import.
I'm not).

Family, should they be reading this, will be pleased to learn that I've also bought a blind for the upstairs window.
This will (almost sadly in a way) put an end to entertaining Sticking Up a Blackout Blind Shenaningins.
And will certainly not (!) fall on anyones face (covering them in a frightening and shroudlike manner) in the middle of the night.

I hope :-)

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