Don't come into the fieeelddd...

.. We had a walk today.

It turned into a nice blue-sky day (once I'd decided on the fleece lined trousers and the waterproof coat tied around the backside.
At least I now know how to create a very effective personal sauna).

We were going to take a short cut through the cow field, but the girls liked the look of us so much that they quickly headed towards us and gathered around the gate, making opening it quite difficult!
So we sauntered 'sauna'd on the long way round.

I also had some interesting shots of Jodrell Bank, from (who knows how many) miles away. But they were misty and dull, so perhaps only 'interesting' to those present? It was one of those days where you think there will be loads of good pictures, but the download was disappointing, and the choice for a blip was difficult.

The walk was just lovely though. The Peak District is a delight.

(We await the cold cold winter.. And hope we'll be just as enthusiastic when it snows!).

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