
Please keep our red boy in your thoughts and prayers. His liver is showing signs of damage (enzymes are up around 2000, rather than the usual 100) and his liver isn't getting rid of waste.

Mr B has dropped him at the vet's where they'll keep him overnight. He's on a drip, much in need of fluids, and on pain relief.

Tomorrow, at 9 am, Mr B will take him to doggy hospital, where he'll have an MRI to try and work out the cause of his troubles.

I'm trying to be big and brave, but I hate not having him here and am just so worried about him.

We're going to pop into the vet's later on for a cuddle and to take him some dinner. I'll give you an update after that.

This beautiful flower couldn't take my mind off my boy, but at least gives some visual pleasure.

Edit: We went to see Cousteau. He was delighted to see us and happily chomped down some roast chicken. We spent about 25 minutes with him in the vet's garden before putting him back in his crate for more fluid intake. The vet is going to pop back in and see him at midnight to see how he's going. They're happy that he perked up when he saw us and that he's been eating a little. We should know more tomorrow.

Night all.


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