Old Linköping - The Farm

Mum said Let's go somewhere new for walkies! I said And lunch? Hopefully. So we went to the outdoor museum Gamla Linköping. We've been plenty of times in the city part, but it's been a long time since we were in the farm part.

We went to the university first, because mum had this recollection that there used to be a food truck when she was last here. It must have been a long time ago, because the food truck had been replaced by a restaurant. Which was packed with students. There were bicycles, thousands and thousands everywhere, and all their owners seemed to be outside during the lunch hour, so we decided to move on.

The farm has horses, goats, rabbits and chickens. And an exhibition barn with old machines used to work the land. I tried this tractor out. Since it is now low season, the museums and the ice cream place were closed on weekdays. Grr..

By now we were really hungry. We just went to have a final look at the stables when mum spotted - a food truck! Yay! We were the only customers. We got pulled pork with coleslaw and guacamole. Yummy!

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