
This was an eventful day, relatively speaking. Mum (who else?) wanted to try out the new trimming machine in the morning. I sat on my chair and let her. It was very noisy and big, but it got the job done so I guess I'll have to get used to it.

A good eleven o'clock with recall training in the football field. Mum then went to run some errands. You won't believe what she brought back for me. Ice cream! From the best ice cream place, in a cup, for me! Just a little bit, but still!

In the late afternoon, we took grandpa for an outing to the bird lake. We counted swans and analysed the water levels. Well, the humans did. I was just happy to be with them, sniffing and exploring. We even picked up a hitchhiker, a German exchange student who had walked too far, for the way back.

And that was my day.

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