In the Shed

An enjoyable morning working away with the daughter. I hope that Claire & Rodriguez appreciate the moss and succulent covered initials at their upcoming wedding. And F&DW were bimboing about so all in all, a most satisfactory bonding situation thing.
After that, the maw. I wrote in her diary that she was daft as a brush. Randomly she then found that and read it out. Haw.
So later, a meet up with Long Juan to go and see Julieta at the Filmhouse. Indeed, Almodovar's 20th, so I read. I just loved it. Great acting, a sad, wistful tale, and a visual treat. Ocht, magic. And blethers afterwards - and I learned that LJ has never applied for a bus pass even though he'll shortly be 62 and doesn't drive or cycle. He's a strange cove, that one.

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