
By FrankS

Walking the Dog

I seem to have spent more time today taking Dylan for a walk than anything else really. I'm sure I've done other things i.e. had lunch, but walking is what stands out (he has two walks a day normally).

I took my camera with me when we went out this afternoon to Shottery Fields. Normally I don't do this, not because I don't believe you should carry a camera at all times, you should, it's just that taking photos with one hand whilst the dog is straining on the leash to get at something much more interesting, and my hands not being the steadiest, makes for non-too perfect pictures.

Anyway I let him off the leash to run around on the fields and was able to take one or two snaps, including of the adjacent allotments.

Ann's just arrived home from Devon, so it must be time for a cup of tea and sit in the remaining afternoon sun, while it lasts!

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