A Windy Day!

This morning has been spent at the hospital as I had to have my Herceptin treatment.  These three weekly appointments don't half come round quick, but the good news is that this was treatment number 14 and there's only 4 more to go!

Talking of the Herceptin, I've run into to problems with Aviva (our medical insurers) again - you might remember that in January they cancelled my policy by mistake and ended up sending me flowers as an apology.  Well last night, I came home to a letter from them saying that they'd tried to contact me, unsuccessfully, and said I needed to call them to discuss my claim, and that until I did, any further cost would be my liability!  Of course, they were closed when I got home last night, so I called first thing this morning.    I spoke to Tammy, who said that it had only been agreed that they would pay for the first 3 months of my Herceptin treatment and that the rest had to be carried out on the NHS.  I corrected her by saying, it had been agreed that they would pay for the full 12 months, so she asked me to hold while she went to check my file.  She came back within a matter of minutes to apologise, she had found the record stating they would pay in full.  I said it really isn't acceptable how they're handling my case and that when someone is going through treatment for Cancer, the last thing they need is this unnecessary stress and that they should check peoples records thoroughly before sending out these letters.  I said that I'm not happy and want to take matters further, so I was transferred to Katherine who's an oncology team manager.  Again she was very apologetic but they seemed to be missing the point, so I asked her how they were going to compensate me for two major errors.  She said she could escalate my complaint and someone would call me, which I've asked her to do.  It's now 5pm and I'm still waiting!  I feel better for having a good rant though, but I'm not going to leave it here, and another delivery of flowers is no good as I'm going away on Sunday lol!

Once I was finished at the hospital, I went to Barbara's for lunch.  She lives in Hove near the seafront, so we went for a walk after we'd eaten.  It's still very warm, but it's very windy today and the sea was extremely rough.  We saw this guy heading towards the sea, and thought he was stupid if he was contemplating going for a swim, but he was just taking photos, and I'm glad he was it he really gives some perspective to the size of this wave.

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