Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

One more sleep

One more sleep, that is all that is left until our big baby girl is home.  We have all missed her so much.  

Thankfully the girls are not waking in the night anymore, but we are getting lots of sad faces and more need for cuddle time because they just miss her.  R is a big ball of emotion anyway, so to have this extra event, it's made her highly emotional.  We have had lots of strong aggressive emotion from her over this last week, and I know that I told her at the beginning of the week that this is her week to show us just how much of a big girl she is, but this wasn't the way I had envisioned.  Tonight she has had a 'face-off' with Peach, because it was 7.30pm and the tv was turned off.  But yet this morning, she was so thoughtful and made all of the water bottles without being asked too and without requesting gratification.  We both know that her behaviour is a response to her tiredness, but when we're tired too, it's often hard to remain calm and not retaliate.  

P has come down with yet another illness, I popped in to the school at lunchtime to drop her glasses off, to be told by her teacher that P was complaining of a headache and being cold.  Luckily I had some medicine in my bag to give her and she managed to finish the day, but again, this evening she's pale, red eyed, says she feels cold but she is hot to touch and she has a headache.  Yay for being back at school and catching more illnesses!

Aj has nearly finished her first week of half days at school, she's loved every minute of it and is making lots of new friends.  She makes me giggle, because when I ask her who her friends are, she never knows their names. 

I've been keeping an eye out every day for the updates of the children's antics at Kingswood, and I have no doubt that they are all having the most amazing time.  I'm so looking forward to having DM home tomorrow and give her a big cuddle - just one more sleep!

** A big thank you to Happy Capture Photography for this beautiful photograph of DM <3

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