Abstract Thursday

I thought it was time I went to an ophthalmologist in Austria rather than going on my home visits in Australia which may not be so regular from now on. I hate eye tests more than the dentist or the gynaecologist - I always find it tiring and rather stressful due to some previous retinal damage I asked to see a specialist in retinal problems and was quite impressed. A bulging waiting room but well organised as assistants measured prescriptions and eye pressure with a little puff of air rather than the tonometer that I am used to. An examination with the doctor - a mixture of English and German got us by - then I was sent out with a couple of slips to instruct the assistant what I required. a couple more tests then eye drops and back in to see the doctor. she examined  the retina with a contact lens, that is, a lens that makes contact with the eye. Not a pleasant experience and not one I have had before. 
I knew I would have to kill time afterwards before I could drive home and the town I was sent to had some lovely shops to look at and sales. My eyes were streaming and prickling and I had to reassure the sales assistants that I wasn't crying - well, not really. Eventually I was able to drive home but not before a couple of purchases. I could see OK but my eyes were still uncomfortable and still are a bit as I write. Anyway, it was worth it - a good report and my eyes are stable.
This panned image is of a jar of paint brushes and reminiscent of what I was seeing a few hours ago. It is SOOC except for a classic camera filter in NIK Efex.

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