Fossil Hunting

I have been meaning to visit Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset for ages - previously I have travelled further down the coast to Durdle Dor and Lullworth - and I was keen to see whether I would find any fossils.

The bay is formed of soft slate-like rock which splits easily, and every piece seems to have a tiny shell in it: sometimes with the pearly shell still intact!   I found a few small pieces to bring home with me.

Larger examples, such as the one in my blip, are embedded in harder rock and are permanent features.  I guess this one was about 10ins across. 

My extra shows the slab formation of the bay looking across into the late afternoon sun.

All in all I had a wonderful day - just a pity I hadn't realised that there were no nearby catering outlets - so no food or drink for me (apart from an ice cream and bottle of water from the inevitable Ice Cream van!)

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