Ferry Meadows

Thirteen years we’ve lived near Peterborough, plus another two when Mrs W was living in Peterborough for her job, and this is the first time we have visited Ferry Meadows!!  I must truly thanks Alison666 for putting the thought into my mind.
It is a wonderful country park with a number of ‘lakes’ and easy access all around.  Next time we come it will be with my new electric bike (WHEN I get it) and Mrs W’s own mobility scooter, but this time we loaned a mobility scooter from the site (FREE of charge!!) and guess who walked?!?!
The main photo is of one of the lakes, but I just had to add the collage of the deaf dog at Extra.  As we approached his mum was stood in the water throwing a ball for him (or her – couldn’t quite see), and we could see this blue ‘band’ around his head.  When he came out we could see that his yellow harness said ‘deaf dog’, and the poor soul had a support for one of his back paws.  The poor old hound was being given one heck of a good life in spite of his disabilities.

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