Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Its Live!!

For a number of years now I have enjoyed taking photographs, especially with the advent of digital photography and the accessibility to so many resources online that have enabled me to learn the skills required to improve.

Back in 2010 I will always be indebted to my good friend JB, who "loaned" me a camera. From then the adventure truly began. 

In May 2011, I found this fab site and posted my first Blip!

Since then, as with all creative "types", I have found taking photographs both a pleasure and incredibly frustrating!

A pleasure in the fact that when you are "In the Zone" it is tremendous.

Frustrating, because at times the creative juices would stop flowing and just the thought of picking up a camera would "Do ma heid in!!"
Times move on, and over the years I, like many photographers, have thought about the possibility of maybe selling a few images - getting published - and taking this craft to "another level".

I have thought about setting up a website and seeing where it leads to but for various reasons (probably if I'm honest the main one being a "fear of failure!"), I have never bothered. Then recently one of my friends did just that.

An enthusiastic amateur who decided to "get out the boat" and go for it!
I decided then that here is an ordinary guy who has "gone for it" and well "Why can't I?"

So cheers for the "kick up the arse" that I needed Dom...and you should check out his Blip Page and his website can be found Here!

And so here it is, my blip today is the home page of my own website!

Where will it lead to...who knows......but it is just the nest stage of my photographic journey!!

Kenny Riley Photography

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