The firstborn

At his new home for the next three years!

We made it out to Oxford today to check out Jon's uni. We have not had the opportunity to attend Open Days at any of the boys Unis as we were in Hong Kong, so I really wanted them to get a feel for their Unis before moving in day.

We caught the London - Oxford X90 bus at Victoria Coach Station and managed to get the front row seats at the top of the double decker bus. London to Oxford, doesn't get much better than that!!! Wish they'd cleaned the wind screen though :/.

Anyway, great journey, how convenient, and dropped is right at this point where Jon is standing. I've rented a car for actual moving day and Ben's too, but this trip was purely exploratory and the X90 served its purpose well.

Had a good walk around the campus and his accommodation and collect his BRP card. So they're both sorted for the next three years in England.

Jon was extremely happy with his uni and what we saw of the accommodation from the outside (looking through windows), and that just gives me a lot of comfort. Happy son, happy mummy.

We headed back to London soon after as Ben had one last document to complete for his rental.

All done and the rest of the evening was extremely pleasant, even managed to watch some of the Paralympics.

So pleased and relieved that these important things have been sorted. Both boys have seen their Unis and are happy and ready and excited. Please Lord let that feeling last .... forever.

P.S. Thank you so much for your generous gifts of stars and hearts for my 4yr blip birthday.

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