
By Fisherking

.......Oh lucky man..........

My Rio shirt ready to be ironed.......bought in 2014 I wore it for England's games in the World Cup.....last month worn several times for the the Paralympics. Two hours after this photo it was destroyed.

Woke up feeling good......did what was needed for myself and the cats.......and a few little jobs......and then a phone call from the Hospital, they've agreed to do all 3 procedures during the three days I'm in hospital for steroid treatment.......and the specialist MS nurse will visit while I'm there.....result!

Feeling I was on a roll I decided to do some outdoor jobs. I got up from the desk, took 3 steps and stumbled......I   crashed into one of the doors between the dining room and the lounge.....I hit the deck, as I did I heard the sound of breaking glass, and then a shower of shards fell on me.

Picking myself up I  surveyed the damage...........1 smashed pane of glass, one cracked pane, and a small cut on my knee.

I phoned D & V and the S & H............D & V arrived within 5 minutes. D set to sorting out the glass, V cleaned up the really was quite small.V then ordered me to leave the desk and go into the conservatory while she made me a coffee.

As I turned there was a gasp.....the back of my shirt was shredded......and there was blood........what seemed to be a six inch long cut. More wound cleaning was done....turned out to be a graze, top layer of skin shaved off, antiseptic was applied.........that smarted a bit.

The S & H arrived, We all agreed I'd had a lucky the doors are going! The Daughter called in on her way home from work, we agreed that I  need some physio and advice/equipment from the specialist nurse.

Eventually every one left...........I ordered a pizza, too shaken to be cooking. I messaged hebs, the pizza arrived about 8.10, I  broke off the conversation to eat.............I woke up at 11.13 with 3/4 of a cold pizza in front of me! So that's breakfast tomorrow sorted!

Good job it wasn't tomorrow.............I'd have had my United shirt on for the derby.

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Morning after p.s. Couldn't get back to sleep until after 2.00 a.m. Woke up with a very stiff right shoulder and a beautiful pink and purple bruise at the start point of the graze on my the exact shape of the striker plate on the door, so it wasn't the glass that destroyed the shirt and caused the graze! Really was a lucky escape!

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