
By Fisherking

.......Times gone by...........

Bruised, battered and depressed today............but I've managed to get through. Two texts this morning from two of my girlies.............a fb message from Jen this evening............a phone call from my sis............and form photograph from 1972............posted on fb by one of my class mates. That's been my total human contact today.

The nights are closing in............the football result wasn't good..........a clear penalty turned down by the ref...........can't even get excited by the Paralympics,

I have managed to identify 27 people in this least one of them, my best man, is no longer with us..........and I've lost touch with most of the others.

Still........... I've got to pack a bag for hospital tomorrow..............I wonder if I'll be able to contain my excitement.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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