
By Fisherking

..........nearly ready........ to hospital in the morning.
Kindle charging............tablet charging........clothes packed.......toiletries ready to go in the bag in the morning...........medication letters/appointments ready........wallet and cards ready...........and this evening the Daughter came and collected the cats for a short holiday at her house.

Been a busy day getting everything sorted............and doing the needed day to day things...........just about totally wiped out now..........maybe I'll try an early night.

Will be odd going back to the hospital where Helen spent several weeks last September..............I'm not taking a camera with me........I don't like hospitals..........I'm certainly not looking forward to the procedures, even though they're straight I'm certainly not recording the experience.

So no blips or fb entries until I'm back home on Wednesday afternoon.

See you on the other side.

Das vidanya moy padruga..

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