The Gingerbread House

On the left you can just see Hansel and Gretel running past the Gingerbread House just up our lane.  I walked!  

Mr T has gone up to the Gliding Club to do some flying, weather permitting, whilst I've been catching up on all the tedious household and garden jobs, recently neglected.  Got loads done this morning  and then thought I would go out for some fresh air, and what happened .... It rained, not that heavily but I hadn't got suitable rain cover for me or the camera so scuttled back, past the Gingerbread House and found my way home!

Mr T will be glad he's not here tonight though as home is enveloped in a very pungent smell,  I've actually cooked the RB chutney and then a jalfrezi curry for my supper.

Right now, whilst the chutney is finishing  I have a glass of red to hand whilst listening to Proms in the Park on Radio 2, fab.  .....  Oooops....  got to go and sterilise the jars before filling them up with the evil smelling brew?.  Have to wait 6-8 weeks before we can comment on the proof of the pudding chutney!!

Meanwhile ..... Gosh, it's very stinky here!!

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