Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

It's My Beach

Bright start to the day here in Campbeltown.
After the grocery shopping was all put away time to head off to the beach.
Much more blustery at Carskey.
The waves were looking good crashing in and breaking on the shore.
We hadn't gone far when we noticed that we were sharing the beach with several cows.
They were very interested in Maeve watching what she was up to :-)
They didn't venture down from the bracken at the top of the dunes so Maeve was let of her lead to enjoy her time on the beach.
No paddling this week the waves were too rough for her.
Lots of gannets sweeping low over the waves then rising to dive into the water then rising again. So lovely to see.
On the way home we stopped at Keil cemetery but only a single seal was hauled out on the rocks.
My other image shows the latest produce for sale at the little farm stall on the way to Southend.
Sadly no eggs for sale.
Back home we planted some pansies for some autumn colour and I got a chance to work on my latest painting :-)

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