
Well, when I got up I decided to do something cultural and go to one of the free openings of a Heritage Centre. I quite fancied Elizabeth Gaskell's House and then Victoria Baths, so I got everything ready then just had a sneaky glance at Facebook....and all my plans and cultural expectations blew away in the wind! How could I not go to The World Black Pudding Throwing Championships in Ramsbottom!!!

I whizzed down the motorway, parked up and then with camera in hand I was ready to watch the championships. Actually, I didn't just watch, I had a go too. 

What great fun it was, what a happy atmosphere. You stepped up and put one foot on the grid, then chucked your three black puddings up at the pile of huge yorkshire puddings. Whoever toppled the most was the winner. Adults aimed for the higher pile and juniors for the lower. Everyone was introduced by the guy on the and where they came from. What a whacky event, but what great fun for all ages. I couldn't resist and queued up for my turn. I was announced, "Belinda, from Worsley....and not Carlise" (I've never heard that before he he he he), I aimed, I threw.....I missed! Oh well, I shall start training for next year then. 

Film Star Friday

1st...Paola. We have tussled for position on popular, but her pic is fabulous. She is The Lady in the Van!

2nd...DramaQueen. Oh how exciting to be able to be chased by a real, big, scary shark for Jaws! The lengths blippers go to to get a FSF entry.

3rd...Green56. Another blipper who nipped to another country just to be able to get an entry for FSF. I love her interpretation of Death in Venice.

There were some very clever entries and again it was so hard to choose. You are all winners in my eyes!!

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