Childs play

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours, beautiful sunny day and looks like forecast is fantastic.

Grandma was feeling much better today, still not 100% but stayed awake long enough to have her hair done! Cleaned her whole house today and opened all windows while she was at ours and couldn't see! ( she does not like them open)

Spent the morning weeding the veg patch, getting rid of things that are past now, pruned the tomatoes in the greenhouse and picked some more cucumbers . I'd like to plant some winter things but not sure if you can so I'll have to read up.

The boy had the girls round to play but they spent most the day playing outside, they love playing by grandma house as it is on a slight hill so they look down over the fen, or should I say their land or kingdom! Great imaginations they have.

Hubby cooked lovely roast pork cracking, lots of yummy veggies cauli cheese, ratatouille , broccoli , carrots, beans and roast potatoes. Deeeelicious.

Sat down now to watch Victoria and relax .

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