Braving The Ford

Things are changing. I approached the ford and bottled it. There was a time when I wouldn't have thought twice about bombing through. I've never fallen off, although many have, and that fear was planted in my head following a discussion recently. I've gone all cautious ... which I suppose is no bad thing. The bonus was crossing by the footbridge, seeing the amazing light, and having the time to bunker down in the stream, in my cleats, to wait for someone with a sense of adventure. It wasn't a long wait. There were hordes of people about at Bolton Abbey.

Taking the back road this afternoon I got a terrible shock. Less than a mile from this spot, the Laund Oak has fallen. It's survived for more than 800 years. Oddly, I've not blipped it before because, despite often taking a photograph, I've never quite had the perfect light. I thought I'd wait, presuming that it would long outlive me. It was a terribly sad sight today. It must have happened very recently indeed. I doubt there's going to be any saving it.

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